Trulos is setting the trucking industry on fire with it’s free load board. First it was the Load Board with Rates only and now they have set it up so trucking companies can quickly and easily sort through thousands of loads to just see Partial, hotshot and LTL loads.
If you have space available on your truck and some extra time you should take advantage of partial and LTL freight. Going from Chicago to Dallas with extra 12 feet. Fill it up and with a partial headed same way and you just made a few extra dollars to make that low rate out of North Texas not sting quite as much. – check it out and find out in seconds if there are an Partial or LTL loads available on the free load board.
What people like about our free load board is that we don’t make you sign in. Just go to the free load board and search away. When you find a truckload posted that you like just call the broker or shipper directly make the deal. you can see the free LTL load board at