Trucking could be the most diverse work environment

If you have been a driver looking for a truckload or a broker looking to cover a truckload the you know you work with every type of person imaginable.

You could be in New England talking to someone in Texas. You may be from an Eastern European country speaking to someone from Central America. Bottom line in trucking is products have to move. And in order to move that product you will have to work with many types of people from many different places to accomplish the shippers needs. As brokers and drivers team up for success it makes me think that if people relied on each other as much as trucking companies and shippers rely on each other then maybe the differences we hear so much about in the news would just fade away.

Brokers and drivers have a lot of experience working with people they don’t actually meet. They transact thousands of dollars after a few seconds on the phone. You learn to get a sense of a person pretty quick in this environment and to trust your gut. Never once have I thought I rather not have the help of this person because he/ she may have a different belief then I do. A critical customer delivery will trump caring where someone is from every time. Trucking industry is amazing and if more people relied on others like truckers and shippers everyday it may just erase a lot of the differences between all of us.