Free Load Board

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Serving Carriers, Shippers and Freight Brokers Since 2003

Totally free truckload board. No sign up, No BS. Just find freight and call the shipper. Easy, fast and free. The way finding freight should be.

Welcome to Trulos Transportation's Free Load Board, your premier gateway to efficient load board technology. At Trulos, we understand the challenges of the transportation industry. That's why we've developed a totally free platform designed to streamline the process of finding and posting loads. Our user-friendly interface, combined with real-time data, empowers carriers, shippers, and freight brokers alike to make informed decisions quickly. Whether you're looking to move goods across the country or need to fill empty truck space, our free load board is here to connect you with the right opportunities, optimizing your operations and boosting your bottom line. Experience the ease and efficiency of managing your freight needs with – where logistics meets innovation.

Quick Stats

EquipmentTruckloadsFull TruckloadsPartial / LTL Loads
Step Deck39372
53ft Dry Van1511501

How to Use the Free Truckload Search

Step 1: Select a State

  1. Visit the homepage of the free truckload search tool.
  2. You will see a list of buttons, each representing a different state. These buttons are usually located at the top or side of the page.
  3. Click on the button corresponding to the state from which you wish to find truckloads. This action will filter the available loads to only those originating from the selected state.

Step 2: Choose Your Equipment

  1. After selecting a state, you will be presented with a list of equipment types (such as flatbed, reefer, dry van, etc.).
  2. Click on the button or link corresponding to the type of equipment you are operating. This ensures that the search results will only include loads that are compatible with your vehicle or trailer.

Step 3: View the Results

  1. Once you have selected your equipment type, the tool will display a list of available loads.
  2. The loads will initially be sorted by origin city to make it easier for you to find convenient pickup locations.
  3. You can click on the headings of each column to sort the results according to different criteria such as destination, rate, or weight.
  4. In the last column of each row, there is a direct link to Google Maps. Clicking on this link will show you the routing from the origin to the destination.

Additional Tips for Using the Free Load Board

Remember, the free load board is a tool designed to help you find loads more efficiently. Regularly check the board for new listings and utilize its features to streamline your search process. Happy hauling!

53 Ft Dry Van Truck Load Board By State

Click on a state to go directly to the available freight in each state for a 53ft Dry Van

Alabama | Alaska | Arizona | Arkansas | California | Colorado | Connecticut | Delaware | Florida | Georgia | Hawaii | Idaho | Illinois | Indiana | Iowa | Kansas | Kentucky | Louisiana | Maine | Maryland | Massachusetts | Michigan | Minnesota | Mississippi | Missouri | Montana | Nebraska | Nevada | New Hampshire | New Jersey | New Mexico | New York | North Carolina | North Dakota | Ohio | Oklahoma | Oregon | Pennsylvania | Rhode Island | South Carolina | South Dakota | Tennessee | Texas | Utah | Vermont | Virginia | Washington | West Virginia | Wisconsin | Wyoming |

Flatbed Truck Load Board By State

Click on a state to see the available flat bed loads in each state

Alabama | Alaska | Arizona | Arkansas | California | Colorado | Connecticut | Delaware | Florida | Georgia | Hawaii | Idaho | Illinois | Indiana | Iowa | Kansas | Kentucky | Louisiana | Maine | Maryland | Massachusetts | Michigan | Minnesota | Mississippi | Missouri | Montana | Nebraska | Nevada | New Hampshire | New Jersey | New Mexico | New York | North Carolina | North Dakota | Ohio | Oklahoma | Oregon | Pennsylvania | Rhode Island | South Carolina | South Dakota | Tennessee | Texas | Utah | Vermont | Virginia | Washington | West Virginia | Wisconsin | Wyoming |
Free Load Board Image


Everyone likes a classic. This is the original free load board. Find Freight super easy and fast!

Partial Freight Load Board Image


LTL and partial truckloads. This LTL truckload board only shows partial freight. Search the only partial and hoshot truckload board with rates.

Load Board with Rates image


Truck loads with rates. This truckload board only shows live freight with rates. Easy way to check a truckload rate.

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Information for trucking professionals. This category is filled with lots of info about the tucking and life on the road

Freight Borker articles graphic


Freight Broker info. Whether you are looking to get into the business or are a freight brokering supertar you will find some great info in this section

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How is technology effecting trucking for the better and for the worse. Some facts and some opinions on how technology may be changing.

trucking technology articles graphic


This category focuses on the business of trucking and some ideas on how to become more profitable

Trulos Blockchain White Paper

We wanted to put our blockchain White Paper for the Trucking Industry. This paper describes how blockchain technology can be used for an open source decentralized platform for shippers, brokers and trucking companies to create smart contracts to make the industry more transparent.

Blockchain Vision

Create a low cost or free secure digital ledger of the transaction between a shipper and carrier for the trucking industry. This blockchain will be able to be integrated into other technologies and be independent of any other entity.


To ensure that there is a low cost solution available to small fleets and owner operators that enable them to compete with larger companies who may have an unfair technology advantage. As blockchain technology becomes a part of the transportation industry there will be a need for trucking companies to participate either because shippers will require it or because government regulation will require it or both. Participation in this technology should not be a barrier to entry for a trucking company to obtain work. Create a solution for carriers and shippers to do business business directly and eventually facilitate payment for shipping. A solution for this does not exist today.


Trulos will provide a simple online application where a shipper and carrier are able to create a contract for shipping. This contract will be able to be stored on a blockchain distributed ledger.

Transportation Industry Blockchain White Paper